(see cost detail)

The fields marked with an asterisk ‘*’ on this form must be filled in. On completion please click on the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the form.
A copy of this booking will be sent to our email system and we will response on the safe receipt.
In case you do not receive our reply within 24 hours, please write us at: & CC to: for reservations.
Our replies are sometimes identified as spam, so pls. check your spam folder. Thank you.


Flight Information
Guest Information
Contact person*
No. of guests

(if you donot bother, please provide for our booking purpose)

Payment Information

Vietnam Impressive acts as​ ​ an intermediary between you and Vietnam Airlines of Vietnam providing the ticket selling service and as such is not liable for any loss, injury or damage sustained. Additional expenses incurred due to delays, accidents, natural disaster, political action and unrest must be borne by passengers. Participation in our service implies the tourist’s agreement to the above.
No rain cheques or compensation will be given for non-attendance, rain or cancelled activities.
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